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You're Top Three Quesitons While On A First Date...

Hello Everyone!

I was live on Facebook the other night and I asked everyone to take action and let me know, "If you were on a first date, what top three questions would you want to know..."

The responses were fabulous and I appreciate everyone that listened in as well as participated in listing the questions themselves. A few of you stated that I could, indeed, place your name next to your quesitons you gave in order to recieve credit, here, on my blog. Everyone else that didn't say I could list their name here, has their name is listed on my Facebook, if anyone wanted to reference it there. I will list the questions that others allowed me to post their names first. That was important for me to share so no has the potential to be offended as to what order I place the questions in. I'm just going down the list...=)

Listed Questions:

Shane Zhou:

1. What are your biggest dreams and aspirations?

2. What do you think we have in common, even though we just met?

3. What do you think is the best way to show love for someone? I mean this is universally as possible-family, friends, lovers, ect.

Jaymie Lippiett Welch:

1. What is your love language or you can phrase it as how can someone make you feel appreciated-what did your parents do/exes do to show appreciation for you?

2. Do you want to have kids?

3. What's your favorite breakfast cereal?

Anonymous list with names not listed here and may refer to my Facebook page:

1. How much debt do you have?

2. Do you have a good relationship with your mother?

3. Are you emotionally available

1. How do you see your future?

2. What are your dreams?

3. Do you feel like your dreams are possible?

1. How long has it been since you broke up with your ex and how long were you together?

2. Are you a hunter?

3. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

1. What kind of music do you like?

2. Have you ever been married and do you think you could possibly top my story?

3. Is it ok with you that my baby factor is closed for business?

Kira Harlamor's top three questions are:

1. Are you happy with your life in general and if not what would you like to alter if you could begin today?

2. Do you feel like you display confidence in all areas of your life or are there specific areas you have more confidence than others and how does that make you feel?

3. What are you wanting to potentially see happen between us if we were to continue onto the next date?

This concludes this particular list of questions for today...If anyone wants to add to it, please make a comment and let me know so you can be included as well...

The more the merrier =)

Everyone have a super fabulous day and I'm so excited that football season is begining!!! I love sports and football...I love most of the teams...I even met and danced with a Pittsburg Steelers major top player and I'd tell his name but I did disclose that I wouldn't post it so I'm holding my word even though it was a while ago...The 49ers are my favorite, Giants are my favorite for Baseball, I do like the Warriors and Lakers...The Kings are my favorite for Basketball

I do like the Florida Gators and got to cheer on their field in High School when Danny Wuerful and our entire Fort Walton Beach High School Football Team made it to State Champions and Won!!! It was Awesome!!! I loved the gymnastics in cheering much fun! My favorite College Team is Florida State University (FSU)

Go Noles...!!! There was a four year period that I knew someone on almost every college football team and got to watch them play their super fabulous hearts out!!! I loved that!!! I played Basketball, Volleyball, Cheerleading Captain and non captain, Soccer, Coached Soccer

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