Good Vibes Coming Your Way...
I wake up each morning thinking this is a brand new day and in what phenomenal way can I inspire someone's life...
As I have many passions, in life, of my own, I feel an abundance of joy and happiness inside when I can inspire as well as assist someone with communicating on another and/or deeper level, with their friends, family, partner, and life in general...Especially while dating...And believe me when I say no one is takes Thought, Practice, Action/Application and Follow through... I find great honor and satisfaction in sharing what I've learned, my life lessons and how and/or what it takes to evolve while on your personal path, your journey, as you will be able to explain to me what that is, when you are ready to ask for help, be vulnerable, know you're in a safe place with me, as I won't judge you and will allow you to express your wants, your needs, to be able to share them openly, freely, in confidence, in order to attain your goals when communicating...You see, I am a "Believer" and I Believe in You!!! If you really knew me then you know that to be True...I am here to help Others/You to understand how to Believe in yourslef, Love/ Trust yourself and Allow yourself to be the Best version of yourself, so you can share it with your date, your partner, your family, extended work family, to Value, Respect and Appreciate yourself first, then communication on a deeper level becomes possilbe. Suddenly, your path becomes clear...and like seeing a Shooting Star, you obtain this" Magical Moment" when your Wishes begin to come True and you are able to finally see Results you've been Fantasizing and Dreaming about as long as you can think and/or remember. You are unique and have a story with life situations that can either bring you down a alternate path, which wasn't originally intended to explore and if you look at it from another perspective, you begin to realize that it's each path that has been explored, intentionally or not, that has brought you here, to me, to be able to Inspire you, as well as, Liberate you from your own fears, whether it be while dating and comminicating or just trying to reach your goals with some Fabulous, Sweet Inspiration...Always remember that I have my own story to tell, as well, and hope that you will find some form of Inspiration while reading and/or listening to it as I share from time to time. So, I ask you a question...,"What Is Your Path To Inspiration....??? Like in my small, coffee table, Photo Book, "Your Path To Inspiration", on, Apple iBooks and, I share short statements which allow you to view the image, correlate it with the statement and choose what it truly means, to you, as a special and unique individual, as well as, share it with your friends, family and children, to get everyone to think what makes you happy. I feel it comming... good vibes coming your way...It's the sign of the times...We all have our own challenges and it's how you Acknowledge them, Learn and Evolve that is Most Important! Keep Moving Forward, Be Strong, Think Possitive and Allow Yourself to Accept this Great Big Hug from ME...and have a Super Fabulous Day!!! =)
Yes...I capitalized the words I wanted you to really hear...I won't do it for all posts and wanted to for this one...Imagining..."Every time I hear that song..."
This is a sweet testimonial and I value and appreciate the heart warming recognition and akcnowlegement...
Thank you Shane Zhou and you are aweome! =)
I will post a picture at a later date...
Coaching/AdviceTestimonial from: Shane Zhou
August 16, 2017
Kira Harlamor
Thanks to Kira, I have a renewed vision on life and what it means to be at my fullest, and as a result has led me to authentically communicate with those I care about! She also helped me properly expressed my feelings to someone close and dear to my heart, and the result was outstanding! If you want to learn from the best, go to her!